The World Ends With You a stylish, spunky little action RPG! I like it a whole lot, so I wanted to make a webpage where I could share information about it, among other cool stuff. It's a real hidden gem on the Nintendo DS. This page is a work in progress; you know how it is. Navigate pages using the Pins to your left.
Resources Used
A lot of the resources in this shrine come from Spriters' Resource. A lot of the gifs and images I use on this site were made from the resources found there.
It's good practice to reference where you get your page's stuff from if you didn't exactly make it yourself. That's what this section is for.
The backgrounds for the headers, and the little pin graphics were ripped by NightOwl35
Offical Art, the site's button graphics, and a lot of information I didn't know off the top of my head came from the Twewy Wiki Fandom Page.