hiiiiii we got to hang out with our friends 3 days ago, it's been so long sicne we got to see them after everything, and it's great!
we went to an arcade called The Workz, but to be honest- it was kinda MEH! i REALLY liked the dinosaur shooter game, though. i still have the game card if i ever wanna go out and fill it up with credits to go play again! and once it gets warm enough, i might just go do that! i bet i could get really far through all the stages; i like how they have quick-time events where you have to shoot up at the dinosaurs mouth and debris so it doesn't GET you.
after the arcade, we left for a place called burntwood tavern. it was REALLY good service, and the tavern's built over a really pretty river. i wanna go there again, too- i want to get a better table next time so i can watch the river flow while i eat! the food was really good- especially the FLATBREAD. i could pick the peppers right off! for my main meal, i ordered a californian chicken sandwich; it's grilled chicken with bacon and cheese and tomato and lettuce! it was really hard it bite into properly, but it was pretty good! BUT. i had to STOP eating it, because there were little bits of onion in it, and i HATE that. other items on the menu listed onion as part of the food, so i thought, "hey! this one doesn't have onion in it! i'll get this one!" but it HAD ONIONS. i can't eat ONIONS so i didn't want to finish the sandwich even if the rest of it was good because i don't know just how many onion bits they slipped into it and how much it could make my stomach hurt. FUCK EVERYTHING!!!! RRAAAAHHHHHH! but the fries that came with it were really, really good! i still wanna go back though, the service was really good. there was a warning though on the menu that confused me a little, and miiiight be a red flag? there's a little asterisk (*) next to some of the items and it's like, btw these might get you sick and have the risk of being undercooked. and then just now that i remembered that, i looked up reviews for the place we went to, and there's like- a LOT of people saying their meats came out undercooked or not cooked enough? i guess medium-well is the way to go, gotta remind them to cook it More. tbh maybe i won't take my mom here because she might complain to the overworked servers. anyway!
after that, we went BOWLING to help my friends sober up for a bit before we all drove home! because they both drank some drinks. not me, baby! getting drunk sounds scary! BOWLING! it was really fun. i got lots of gutters, but i won the first game of two we played! you could buy 2 hours and play unlimited games during those two hours. we had a BIG pitcher of pepsi so we could save and refill ourselves, but to be honest we all only really drank 1 cup each lol. OOH and we got chips and queso dip. i fucking love queso sosososo mcuh. i need to go to more places that have queso. honestly? i might bring my mom there sometime! it's got bowling (which she likes) and queso and bowling (which i also like!) OOH and i'd want to go back to look at those arcade machines. they had sonic in there.... part of me wanted to save him from the evil glass casing and take him right home with me, but i can always do that another time.......
after our wrists hurt from two games of bowling, we called it quits and i drove everyone back to my aunt's place, because i wanted to give them as MUCH time to sober up as possible, even if they already were. also i paid nat back for the bowling by fueling up her car with gas! it's a long way to drive out to see me, so it's the least i can do! i had a great time with my best friends!
OH! and for the cosplay we have to do in late May (OH AND WE HAVE TO GET OUR PASSPORT FOR FLYING), i think thrifting out a gin ibushi fit would be do-able, and fun! or we could do link! robin? all good options, we'll see what we can find!
heyyyy diary, happy new year. so, let's peel off some band-aids and get this out of the way quickly. things aren't going so hot. me, my brother, and my mother had to suddenly leave our old house mid-december, because my father's domestic abuse was getting too much to even stay at the house anymore. we don't live there anymore! i'm safe now! i'm happy about that! i feel a lot safer than i have in years. it isn't perfect, and i still have a lot in the air considering other things, but we're safe.
now, onto other things. i gotta find a job! i gotta get a car! i gotta get insurance! i gotta show up to court so many times! i gotta work to keep my food stamps! things are so hectic right now! but i'm just doing things one day at a time for now. in february, i can finally start job searching for REAL. i'm liking where i'm living right now, but we all gotta find a better place to live with better heating and more reliable toilets. literally it's clogged so many times and we keep running out of towels having to clean it upppppp. and i keep getting SICK!! i got the stomach flu a week after we left, and the week after that i got a COLD! and i'm still getting OVER IT!!! HELLOOOOOOO?
god, and the tiktok ban? i heard about that and i was like... this sucks. the government's gonna censor and to control the people's speech and rights at a moment's notice, they do not care about you!!! it's so awful. i'm going to keep going and try to keep myself and my family afloat, though! because uhhhhhh. the horrors persist but so do the joys.
some things i'm looking forward to... i get to go to washington with my friends this year! i'm still thinking of who to cosplay, because i think we're going to a convention. i'm gonna be tight on money, so something easy. i still have all my tech and games with me (since i took them, i don't trust my father not to sell/break them in anger) so i still have a lot of games, movies, and other things i'm going to get to experience and review here! so happy new year! i'm hanging in there!!!
hi diary, MAN i had a good time. i'm stil kinda mad about the dog hotel ghosting me, because turns out they did get back to me, and they wouldn't want someone with "such a restrictive schedule" anyway... like, man! my schedule is ALWAYS gonna be restrictive! i have family obligations and so many appointments due to my chronic illnesses! fuuuuuuck!
but anyway, back to vacations... i went to Columbus and it was really fun! i'm super glad i got to meet friends in-person for the first time, and visiting the German Village was really fun! i got to pick up a few souvenirs, like some cute bird magnets and language books for languages i'm interested in learning. i got a book on a whole lot of South Pacific languages and a book on Estonian, Lativan, and Lithuanian!
i had a REALLY GOOD tuna melt, and took the other half of it home! i had some blue cheese salad with it, but um... i don't think my stomach liked the blue cheese very much. it was really tasty, though. OH! and we went to an arcade bar, too! they had a lot of old emulators there like the N64, playstation, snes, and a whole bunch more i didn't get to. i got to play guitar hero for the first time!... the machine was kind of broken, and you couldn't select more than one song, but it was fun! a lot of the arcade machines there were broken, actually. somebody had apparently punched a hole in one of the taiko drums...
dios mio. i had a good time! i'd go again, but man... more than 2 hours of driving makes my body hurt.
the trip to west virginia went okay! turns out dad didn't feel like going, so it was just the 3 of us instead. to be honest, i had a better time without the dead weight. i couldn't find the haunted peppa pig toy that was there the last time i visited, but perhaps it's for the best...
i got to look at all of their animals... they have 4 dogs, 1 cat, and a whole coop of chickens. we went to a talent show, and it was really loud! those middle schoolers know how to PARTY. it made me realize i hadn't heard the non-Neil Cicierega version of Will Smith's Wild Wild West until then! it was a bit stressful driving in west virginia's roads- a lot of them really aren't big enough for more than 1 car! but i lived!
Hey diary! Let's see... I want to complain about my job hunting first! So, turns out finding a job is a lot harder than I thought. I'll apply to so many places, and half of them won't get back to me- and the other half I go to interview with, it either takes them forever to get back to me on a NO- OR! I just won't get a response at all, like I'm being ghosted! It's like half of these places are just putting up job listings on indeed to show to their superiors that they're "always welcoming to new candidates" to meet some quota, but they FULLY intend to keep going with their skeleton crew. It's so frustrating! I went to so many good jobs I felt I would have excelled at. I could have been a bug farmer! I could have been the cleaner for a home for nuns! I could have been a dog handler at a dog hotel! At this rate, I think I'll just take any job that's offered to me no matter how much it sucks...
I literally just need the money to pay for health and dental bills... and robux, hehe. Maybe I should advertise my commissions more...
What else... Ooh, I'm going to go to Columbus on the 20th to meet up with some far-off friends! I'm excited, because I've never been to my state's capital before! We're probably just going to wander around and eat dinner. ...Now, uh. It's a six hour drive total. Which. I'm going to be very cranky and sore in the legs about... but! I think it's worth it to meet friends. I'm so excited to meet them!!!
Oh, and from the 22nd to the 24th, I'm going to go visit my uncle's farm again! I love seeing his family and all their animals... although! I'm NOT looking forward to my father's scary driving on West Virginia roads again! he drives with so much... blatant disregard for how little the rails do to protect you- from how high up the road is on a mountain. Oh well! Fuck it we ball, I GUESS!
OH- and I nearly forgot! Thanksgiving and my birthday are this month! I'm going to be 22 on the 29th! I don't plan on doing much! At least I feel it this year, goodness. Searching for a job has made me age rapidly. I'm also thinking of using my little emotes in the diary more. It helps me get my emotions and feelings across better. Did you notice a few new ones?
Hey diary, once again it has been a while. Lots of things have happened to me!
First, I went on an airplane for the first time last month, to Disney! I helped my friends pay for tickets, and we all got to stay on-site. Holy shit it was so fancy. They had a fucking ironing board in the bathroom? And a safe? It makes me remember why I stay humble; this is a rich person's vacation activity. We went to Hollywood studios on Friday... my favorite part had to have been the muppet vision theatre. I think it's interesting how often they're using 3D in things now. I guess it's safer in a way, but it feels- almost feels- like it's holding back its teeth in a way. Oh well! It rained a whole lot at the end of the day. I felt powerful, sprinting through the rain and eating ice cream in the cold. I should eat icecream in the rain more often. It was such a downpour that we had to leave the park with an oncoming thunderstorm, and I was a sopping wet cat all the way back to the hotel.
The next two days of vacation, we went to Epcot and the Magic Kingdom. Epcot was my personal favorite of the two; the different pavillions were beautiful with the Chinese pavillion being my favorite- a squirrel tried to climb onto me and eat my egg roll. Once again in the Magic Kingdom, it downpoured like NUTS! This made the lines a lot shorter, I didn't mind being a sopping wet rat for a bit- if it meant super short lines from everyone going to seek shelter. My legs were killing me for weeks afterwards. I am NOT built for that much walking.
A few weeks later, I went to a concert for simple planz and avril lavigne! Real good songs, I'm glad I brought my earplugs and that we got pavillion seats. I don't think I could have managed without the plugs or standing for that entire time. I got a nice t-shirt out of it, too! Good gyro truck, too. I got to pee outside for the first time, which I thought was a fun(?), new experience. Getting out of the parking lot took HOURS, but I guess that's how it is with sold-out shows. Wild. I'm glad I'm never the one paying for all of this.
AH! SPEAKING OF PAY! I FINALLY QUIT MY JOB TO FIND ANOTHER ONE! After THREE years. God, that job sucked huge ass! Do you have any idea how pushy, entitled, and how BOUGIE car salesmen are to work with? GOD. Anyway! My miserable car era is over, and my sexy roach era begins NOW. Really, I'm getting a job where I sort feeder roaches all day. It sounds perfect for me. Roachies are cute! All this over a month and a half ago... wild! Here's to more good things happening, diary.
hiii diary, i'm writing about things that happened this weekend so i don't forget how nice it was.
so this Saturday, i went to see my grandma with my mom again- we went shopping a bit beforehand and on the way there, a car swerved in front of us which was! scary but it's more scary that i'm not really scared or surprised by it. luckily, i have great reaction time so we did not explode in a heap of car scrap and bone mush! i mostly just chatted with grandma and mom for a bit, but when extended family started coming over, i retired outside to watch my little cousins and play pokemon heart gold (i'm playing through this right now, so expect a review at some point, hehe). i learned that apparently Ho-oh is the Main or Actual legendary of the second generation originally planned for it, but people tend to like Lugia more (because of the second pokemon movie, which is understandable).
and the Sunday after, I went to a medieval fair for the first time with friends! i was given a costume with a green kimono and bright red hakama pants- i thought i was wearing women's clothes but turns out after asking, these were mens clothes! i was carryig a parasol and wearing my hair down, too- this made lots of people confused on whether to "sir" or "ma'mm" me; i also got one instance "hello fair... lady?.. ...person.". i never felt like correcting people because i'm already genderfluid, and was too hot from the 85-90 F degree weather to bother. go figure, LOL.
that's enough about gender right now! anyway, the actual fair!!! first, (I ATE A REALLY GOOD FUCKING GYRO) we stopped to watch daniel greenwolf and his wife perform tricks with fire- like juggling, transfering it between sticks, eating fire, and BREATHING fire! and they were really good bards, i felt like giving them a tip! especially after the main performer put fire directly in my face and jumpscared me (i also found that i kind of ran out of cash to spend because i kept giving performers tips)! next, we saw the tail end of the washing well wenches and GOD i wish we had gotten to see the whole thing, it felt like i had missed an entire carefully woven inside joke- it's alright though, we mostly just sat there to take a break from walking. then, we stopped to see the squire of the wire who was probably one of my favorite acts, and i mean this in the nicest way possible, he has shaking wet dog energy, but he had really good stamina on the tightwire, and great vibes with the crowd. on the way to the last performance, i got to meet with the king and queen, and they liked my parasol! the princess really liked my kirby pin, so i decided to ask her to trade for it- and i got a very pretty bead bracelet out of it (i also just like seeing kids happy when they get something they like)! lastly, we stopped to see pinwheel sideshow, and tbh i think there is something wrong with me because out of all the gross weird stuff she did like bending her pinky to her wrist, shoving a nail and a spoon up her nose, snorting a balloon up her nose and out of her mouth (and then proceeding to make a balloon animal with it), and swallowing a sword (where i heard her gag and i was 100% normal about it), the bending of the pinky is what ick'd me the most! after that, we decided it was too hot and we just went home. i got some really nice jewlery, and a good glass bottle and sling out of shopping! really fun weekend in all, ignore that i'm publishing this at 6 am i've been up since 2 am after sleeping off a really bad triple cramp-stomachache-headache combo. heart.
Diary, you won't believe this shit. Yesterday, me and my friends went to visit the Great Lakes Science Center- AND the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Just cause!
So first, we went to the science center, and I had a good time looking at the exhibits on space, electricity, music, stem, and all that. I had bought a nice keychain and a green emerald from the giftshop, but I accidentally confused it for trash- because it looked the exact same as one of the Mcdonalds bags we got on the way there. I'm still a little bummed about my chaos emerald being thrown away because I didn't check, but I'll live.
Then, we went to the Rock and Roll hall of fame! See, I kind of live under a rock, and I'm just a hermit in general. SO! I know VERY little of the artists behind a lot of the popular songs they'd play there, so I was confused but impressed by all the artists in there. In fact, the only reason I even recognized Johnny Cash and Devo is because my mom told me about them! I did recognize Bob the dragqueen, because my friend knows him! I also unfortunately recognized Taylor Swift. I really liked the big as shit hot dog. I wanted to go to the 6th floor, especially because the little sign said there was "graphic" things up there... but due to the sixth floor being under construction, it was blocked off. I wanted to see the view, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. I got a nice keychain from here, too.
Afterwards, we just stopped at a mall to get lunch. I said I wouldn't do any shopping afterwards, but I wound up being the one with the most bags out of all three of us by the time we left. I love being a hypocrite.
hi diary, i had a nice day out this weekend... i had an appointment earlier today, so i figure i'd tag along with my mom to this festival in the next town over to kill time before i had to go get a heart monitor! DON'T WORRY! i'm NOT dying! i've just been having palpitations the past few months, right?- and see, since afib (or Atrial Fibrillation) is common on my mom's side of the family- i wanted to check it out. i'll find out the results in a month and they'll probably put me on something for it.
anyway! the FESTIVAL! it was a maple festival, but i don't really like the syrup or pancakes or sticky candy they had. in fact, the only things to really DO at this maple festival were: 1. walk around... 2. buy food... 3. learn about the history of maple-making... 4. ride questionably safe fair rides! oh, and some lady asked me 'n my mom to sign a petition to stop gerrymandering. good! i hate gerrymandering >:(
afterwards, we stopped at a few thriftstores, and i got some cool knick-knacks! i get a huge as round chicken decoration, a cool wolf plate to hang up, some cool rocks, a little charcoal lion figure, and a sick-ass mug!... AND afterward, we went to mcdonalds! in all? a really good day... although i guess i have to get used to wearing this heart monitor for a week when i go back to work monday? eh, i'll live.
hi diary! once again i am in hyperfixation town. for over the past half year, and i'm honestly not sure when this wave will end, i've found myself getting REALLY into pokemon again! lots of games and manga. i dunno about the anime, though. i think i'm good on the anime for now. i finished shield, and i'm having a lot of fun with violet! might try some of the spin-offs next. and HUZZAH! first entry of 2024! i'm gonna be 22 this year, and that means on my birthday, i will play the 22 song. i prommy :D
Been a while, diary! I got all into the things I love doing again. Writing, video games, hanging out with friends- old and new! And I'm excited to do it again next year. You know what else I'm excited to do next year? THAT'S RIGHT. More coding! And by coding I mean flinging my paws onto the keyboard until something I like happens, LMAO. I've been meaning to get back into coding! The winter just makes me... sllllooooowwwwww down, y'know? I'm like a bear! I need to conserve my energy! But as the weather warms up, so will I!
And, thing is- guess what, diary! This is the last entry of 2023!... Three months since the last one... I was busy in art-making town, baby! Christmas was cool! I had family come over and we ate SO MUCH FUCKING HAM. I want to eat more ham, tbh... Next year will be the year of the ham hehe... oh, wait. 2024 is the year of the DRAGON! That can only mean epic awesome things, I think. Happy new year, gamers!
Went with my homies to see Barbie (2023) yesterday, and I gotta say- I missed the memo that the other two were going to dress in all pink, heels, and bows for fun; I was dressed in all black with only sneakers. I felt like a ken following around two barbies like an accessory, but in a good way! You can hear my thoughts on the movie if you look for it in the review corner, but yeah it was fun! I'm glad I drove home, because it was storming like crazy on the way back, and I could barely see- Even slid a little. My job as a porter prepared me to drive good through bad weather like this, but it was still pretty scary. I was given a cool Gravity Falls poster to put on my wall, too!... All in all a swag day.
I seem to have been blocked (temporarily) from using 123guestbooks? I can't acesss my own guestbook, nor can I access the guestbooks of others to leave messages... Bummer! It says something along the lines of, "Your IP adress of *so-and-so* is not allowed to access to the 123Guestbook.com guestbooks." Why? Well, because my IP is apparently "being used to spam or break their TOS (terms of service)"... Odd.
And the weirdest thing is, they're like "Innocent? Okay! Contact us with your remote ID as listed on our website!" But... I can't even access their contact page to message them with a claim of innocence, either! Strange. It's all so strange, I can't access a guestbook hosted through them either on my computer OR my phone. Oh well! Maybe I'll just take the guestbook down for a while. I'll figure out some alternative eventually.
Hey diary! Been a while. Let's see... erm... Yes! I'm in the middle of changing my major! Turns out, as much as I love english, writing, analyzing works of non-fiction and fiction... I don't actually want to go into teaching. I love all that stuff, but... *eh*! Not in love with the idea of teaching it- So, I'm trying my hand at a degree in screenwriting. If it doesn't work out... well? It's kinda hard to figure out what you wanna do with your life, when you still live with parents. It's a little hard to feel like yourself with people who still think of you as the person they thought they knew when you were 12. Gotta get some money, somehow... get a car, somehow... find a place, somewhere... and get outta here.
What else...? Oh! I got into writing, recently! I'm blaming this year's hyperfixation, hehe. Hi-fi rush kinda hit me outta nowhere, and compelled me to write a 100k story about it's characters. Oopsie poopsie.
My W.I.P. art folder is kinda stuffed right now, but that's just because I have some kind of writing bug! Gotta get this stuff outta my brain and onto a sheet, y'know?
I think other than those few things? Yeah that's... all I've really been up to! Just college things, getting into new medias... that's the life! I'm think I'm getting the 'I need to move out I gotta move out I gotta get outta here' 20's antsy vibe? Does anybody else feel that? Like the 'Ourgh I gotta move I gotta go' feeling that young adults get. It's strange, but true.
I dunno... today just felt nice, even if nothing... particular happened? So I'm gonna write about it!- And just how things are going in general. It was over 60 for the first time in MONTHS at work! Finally warming up from the left-overs of winter.
Speaking of work... they brought in a strange, large, new machine today. It's for replacing tires- it has scary air pressure valves, long mechanical arms, and all kinds of other things that would pry part of me off if i'm not careful; it is painted red, like the blood of workers... ...ROFLMAO I'm just kidding!
It's just a tire-replacement machine! I know how to use one of these, this newer model just has a bunch of fancy buttons instead of needing to use prybars to yank the wheel from the tire. In fact, I could probably use that thing better now that it's all done with automatic button presses instead of my weak noodle arms prying and pushing and pulling against a machine that doesn't give from my weak efforts!~
Homework seems pretty easy for the next couple of weeks, too. It's just writing assignments, and an essay? Literally easy; I was born to write. I should have lots of free-time to do whatever the hell I want! I've got a massive backlog of W.I.P. art in my folder that I'd love to actually finish, so maybe now's a good time...
As I write this, I eat a banana-peanut-butter-chocolate-chip snack. Crunchy peanut-butter is stuck to the roof of my mouth and I feel like a silly dog licking the roof of it's mouth. Life is good, I think.
I hung out with the besties today! All we really did was binge-watch Dan V.S. Everything, and go eat and chit-chat! I forgot how much I love that angry little man and his violent tendancies! A cat was sleeping on my chest for several hours, a wonderful sensation of having a cat close to your heart, purring!- Um. Not so great once you have to get up and stretch your bones, though.
Happy Valentine's day! I don't think I've talked about how I feel about the holiday, so I guess now would be a good time. I notice that a lot of older people around here associate Valentine's with romancatic or sensual getaways, or a chance to confess to a crush. But I don't get that part specifically; love's kind of a thing that never really has a set date, right? It's like a tree; you make the effort to plant and grow it over years and years, and if you like the fruit- maybe you could eat it if it grows some. Metaphor that I don't think I delivered correctly aside, I'm just grateful for the love of my friends, family, and I just love liking (or loving) things in general.
All of my Valentine's celebrations were done YESTERDAY, anyway! I just went to an event on this MMO I usually hang out on called Glasmar. We did races, played games, hunted, had contests- all the fun stuff you usually get together for on Glasmar! I'd've stayed later, but I do still have homework to focus on.
I'm thinking of doing several fun things with the Crag! First things first- I'd really like to spiff up the "funstuff.html" page, you might see it referred to outside of the code as "Links"- It's just a honycomb of links, and I want to display it better and more legibly- I use those links too as an easy hub, afterall (I like to use my own website as a host of images and links I want saved), so I want to be able to easily comb through what I'm looking for.
Secondly, I'd like to add another themed CD to the Tune Cave before winter is over. It should be the easiest season to draw up a background graphic for- I can already see it in my head. Me, a little golden retreiver standing in a blizzard, and there's a huuuuuuuuuge snowy mountain in front of me. That's what winter feels like to me, a big big slog, with a promising mountain peak once you get through the thick of it. I already have the playlist I want to use for it, too. I could probably add my other playlists to the Tune Cave, too. I'm not sure how to customize a page revolving around VOCALOID, though- Although! I love MMD, and I think structuring it to look like a window in MMD would be fun. I remember spending years of middleschool making MMD videos just for me, I'd do it again- but I'm out of practice.
Thirdly, and this isn't really a website idea as much as it is a ME thing (you can gloss over this one if you want, diary), but I think I might have DID, or something that might be similar to it. Getting diagnosed is kind of impossible for someone like me, living out in the middle of nowhere, not having much access to healthcare, etc! I wouldn't really want to, anyway! I know that a lot of what I could and couldn't do would change because of a diagnosis attatched to my record. I've only realized this about... 2 years ago? 2021, that would be, then. Turns out having a bunch DID friends made me realize "ohhhh! that sounds JUST like what i do. cool, respect to you, homie.", and going about my day without thinking that the experiences I was living with was the same thing, or something similar. It's very relieving to write about! Not much else to say on it; this really doesn't change much in the grand scheme of things, diary- I'm just writing about my understanding of all of me a bit better.
Finally, I'm thinking of putting my actually finished commissions page up-- Dunno where I'd put it, though. Either going to have it be added on as another link in the main page, ORRR- I could put it in my about- under this "Creations" tab I want to make. As for this planned "Creations" tab, I'd just put down stuff I've worked on, collabs I've been in, put down the sites I post art on, Youtube channel-- basically all the fun creative stuff I do! I'd also like to actually do something with the "Mario Shrine"-- But maybe I'll do that this weekend, I have homework to do this week.
I never understood the appeal of dividers... until now! I'm thinking of setting some up in places around the website with lots of text- like my journal! This cute green house design is nice, don't you think? I'm thinking of adding a CSS sheet JUST for my about page... I'd like it to look a bit different.
I've been very sleepy these past few weeks into the new year! I wake up, hit snooze, and go back to bed before my other alarm goes off in a bit. I'm nodding off at work after lunch, and just today- when I got home from work, I slept for 6 hours! The cold makes me very sleepy, so I'm finding that I'm more inclined to stay up late at night during the winter months, which makes for a very sleepy me during the day time. I can't wait for spring when I finally wake up again; I'm too busy to hibernate!
i spent time with friends instead of family for new years, which is a first! i watched three movies over the weekend, which you could find inside the movie review section. i think i'm satisfied with the layout of this site, and i certainly won't be changing it!... i DO want to add more onto it though; specifically, i'm still looking into a good way to index and allow searching in the review sections. i'd like a way to sort these games and medias by genre, or maybe release year- along with a section that highlights new entries. with this being the first entry in the new year, you'll see that i'm stuffing the diary pages from past years into clickable boxes, for tidyness' sake!- you can always click them if you want to read up on what i've been doing in the past. i think it looks good enough.
it's nearly christmas eve! it feels like this year, time has been strange. it seemed to move very quickly once daylight-savings time hit; it must be because i'm more of a morning person, gaining an extra hour messed up my internal schedule... it's got me thinking too, this time of year is usually filled with lots of excitement, but as i get older, christmas is just becoming another average day to... and you know? i kinda like that more, honestly!
christmas is cool and all, i love blasting "all i want for christmas is you" and "last christmas" as much as the next guy, but i've kinda liked how it became less of a big deal as i got older. i think everybody tries to ramp up the excitement for the holiday when we're young, because you only get so many christmases when you're a little kid- but y'know, it's kinda relieving in a way to see people stop trying so hard to wow me. like, i got socks and gas cards from family members now this year when they came to visit, instead of baskets of art supplies and stuffed animals like i did when i was a kid, and i dunno- i like that better. who knows? maybe i'm just a funny introvert, who's happy that i get more recharge time instead of having to sit through big, conversational, expectation heavy family christmas dinners now that i'm old enough to opt out?
oh, and i don't really have any plans for expanding the site right now because i am in sleepy winter hibernation mode- i work best in hot weather, and the cold makes me sleepy. send email, though, if you're curious about something.
my 20th birthday! it ain't much. i went to 2 appointments for two different things my doctors asked me to do, so was out for a while. everybody thinks that being 20 is suddenly this big thing, but i dunno. i still just feel like me. i got myself some nice snacks, goodies, and a big sheet of dog stickers on the way home which was nice. i know there's a lot of younger people here, so i guess i could hand you some kind of advice: i think its important that y'know you don't change as much as you think as we get older, but you start to notice changes in others a lot more, which can hurt if you expected everything to be safe and the same. im noticing this, too. i'd say i'm doing alright as a 20 year old for now, and i'll probably be doing relatively alright later! here's to 20 more years of swag. B)
My birthday isn't until the 29th, but since me and my best friends could only get together on Saturday, we decided to just celebrate my birthday then and there! On the drive up to the mall, I got a cool kirby hat, and cute little kirby figures as b-day gifts! I lost my literal shit!!! So then when we got up there, we went up to get lunch at the mall again, and we looked at some movies we could see up at the cinema. Out of all the options, the fact that they were only showing Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile ONCE commpared to the multiple showings of other films going made me go "oh... so they don't have any faith in this live action CGI movie to show it more than once, huh... let's go see it!" and. Well. If you look for the movie in my "movie review" page, you'll hear my thoughts on it!- I liked it more than I thought I would. After the movie, we went back to a friend's house, where I helped to hack their 3DS! They weren't lying. It's incredibly easy to jailbrack the 3DS. Go do it. Now.
I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt I was on neocities- browsing! Must be all of the coding I've been doing over the weekend getting to me. So! In this dream, I saw this strange trend going on- which already doesn't make sense, because nobody actually follows trends on neocities; everybody just does whatever they want.. Second of all, this trend was something along the lines of "scare stickers", where people were making and collecting stickers representing fears from eachother to display on their websites. Some of the fears were more general like "fear of the ocean, fear of spiders, fear of many eyes, fear of heights", but some of them were getting weirdly specific- like "fear of having to stop at a gas station at 2 am on a long road trip in the middle of nowhere and the gas station clerk is actualy a werewolf, fear of being dragged under your bed and turned into meat mush by the boogeyman, fear of getting jumpscared on roblox, fear of dinosaurs coming back to life from extinction and crushing my house"! I feel like many of them were just made for fun, but I remember some people stating that they took these stickers seriously. Strange dream, I better not be predicting anything.
Last night, I went trick-or-treating! I went wearing a golden skull mask, and wore some paper claws I made. A lot of people complimented my claws, and I'm glad- even if it only took me a couple of minutes to fold them. I felt bad sometimes, because little toddlers who I walked past on the shrouded streets got really scared and wide-eyed at my mask. I tried to avoid them, because I didn't wanna ruin their fun night out with their parents.
Also! Also! It's November now! My 20th birthday's on the 29th this month, and my mom asked me that same question she always asks every year: "How do you feel now that you're turning X?" And each year, I always say: "I feel the same!" I don't know how people can feel different from just one year. It usually takes me a few years to feel that I've changed if nothing signifigant happened in one year. Everybody at work knows about my birthday, too, they tease like oooooh! gonna drink next year hmm? hehe! And I dunno. Alcohol smells bad. I might try some of the juiced up eggnog next year though- actually. I'm realizing that because I still look like some 13 year old, I'm probably going to get asked for my ID if I ever buy anything like that until I'm 30. Oh well! I have a lot to do this month, too- so who knows what I'll be up to on here. I'm thinking of setting up a records page, where I can set up music to listen to.
I'm planning, scheming, moulding... I'm thinking that the only truly "unfinished" part now of my webbed site would be the shrine pages, and I am mostly just thinking of how I would want these to look... do I want the shrines to just be me gushing about the things I like with funny gifs and images? Do I want them to be pages that mimic the original media's styles while showing cool trivia and interesting things about the game? If I make them mimic the style of the game I like, I'll have to figure out a way to finn-daggle with teh CSS until it is just they way I like it all over again. I'm thinking of starting with the Nintendogs shrine, and maybe making it a nice notebook brown for the boxes and backdrop maybe; cute doggy gifs and Nintendogs lore all over the place. The backflipping dog gif will be there too, obviously.
I went to the second day of the pumpkin festival, with my friends this time! Going to an event is a lot more fun with others than it is alone. The car show's 2nd round happened, and the truck I voted for didn't win :(... but the finalists looked promising!- I voted for this ratty little buggy with flame decals all over it. I got to try the oreo pie...! Or so I thought. I asked for "The Extreme Deep-Fried Oreo", and got literal deep fried oreos instead of the pie; I didn't feel like telling them to make me the right thing so I just ate them instead- very tasty!
I stopped at this ceramic stable to buy and paint a little ceramic of two mice sleeping. Two mimir... I got wooden swords, and dueled with my friends! The last thing we did was watch the parade, where they threw candy at us. Fun time over all, I can't wait to do the exact same thing next year!
Diary, this is the first time I get to share about the annual pumpkin festival! Today, I went to the pumpkin festival, and I'm going to the 2nd day of it tomorrow! I wasted ALL of my money on craft goods, stuffed animals, pins, and poorly food made with love- very worth it! I saw pumpkin-smashing! I saw old ladies battle it out in the apple-peeling and pie-eating contests! I voted in the car-show, where old and funky cars see which one is the coolest and most popular vote- I voted for this cute ochre truck I saw. It was getting too chilly for me though, so I didn't get to try the fried oreo pie thing before I left. Tomorrow though, I'm after that pie! I'll tell you what happened tomorrow, diary.
Aaaah, it's been 3 months or so since I've started this website in June, and the summer is ending. Our first fall on Neocities is upon us, and I already have a lot to reflect on and look forward to. First off- Splatoon 3?!- In less than two weeks!! I was on team scissors during the test-fire, because I'm not immune to Big Man! (I'm thinking of making simple stamps for the idols, I like Deep cut that much!) I gotta say, man- I hope they balance out the tri-color battle clout calculation; it's an exceution for the team on the defending end!- I should know as a big man stan! Very excited for the release, I can't wait to be able to buy fresh clothes and go nuts in the story mode. In other news, I'm now on my 2nd year of college! Crazy how time works. I'm looking forward to the weather becoming cold and dry again, I just really like winter. It's my favorite season, but fall is an amazing bridge between the two. HALLOWEEN IS UPON US.
i've got a moderneopets account now! i know there's not much on there, but it's nice to be there and see what'll be there someday in the future. i have a green gelert named beef stew, and i love him very much!
feel free to say hi on my profile there, too!
long time no see, diary! kind of forgot. but i'm soooo excited this month, for sooo many reasons. First, Splatoon 3?! I saw the direct yesterday, and last night- I was so excited about the game that I already dreamt I was playing it! I was in the lobby, with the little hologram ghosts of my buddies, waiting to play a match. This month, I'm also going to try and sign up for that "Modern Neopets" thing on the 15th this month. I even marked it on my calander, so I WON'T forget! Artfight went pretty well, too. I just drew a few attacks, I couldn't keep up the pace as much as I thought I could. Seriously- I saw an artist whose goal was to make 90 attacks on others?! The dedication... Right now, I'm really excited for the world premiere splatevent on the 27th.
tomorrow is july, which means artfight is here! i've been working on oc refs and gathering bookmarks for a while, and i'm thinking of linking my artfight on this site, too- incase anybody ever gets curious. i'm gonna be a force to be reckoned with in july, i'd like to draw a lot of characters.
Today at work, I was called over to look at the most hilarious problem I've seen happen to a car; the engine, both air filter compartments, and behind the bumper were all completely buried or filled with nuts. No wonder the thing was barely running! I had been asked to vacuum all of them out, and I noticed that most of them were empty; this would mean that the animal responsible had already eaten the inside of the nuts, and left them in the car- like some kind of trash can! The audacity!
today, i have decided to stop using capitalization unless i feel like it in my journals. thog don't caare. I've started to watch this anime that's been recommended by my friend; the anime is called "To Your Eternity". i'm three episodes in, and man. man. i can't tell you everything i'm feeling yet, but a lot of it is intruige, and hype! i am about to be very annoying on purpose for the next several days of watching!
It's been way too hot lately! It's been 90 degrees farenheit all week, and even me, the guy who is resistant to heat- is not immune to this many hot days in a row. I'm lucky my job lets me sit in several different air conditioned cars whenever I drive around, it helps to keep me cool. The fans are always blaring during this time of year, and it makes me happy to have headphones. It's also pride month! This means I am at my most powerful, as all of my stats are boosted by like. At LEAST two- and that's a lot for a shrimp like me.
that's it. Ɛ>
I want to start this journal off with a good memory. Me and my best friends went to cedar point, and I think I understand why rollercoasters are a big thing now. The feeling of anticipation in line, the dreadful pit in your stomach as you're climbing higher, it's bonkers! The drops are probably the most interesting part; not gonna lie, my eyes welded themselves shut and I thought I had died! But obviously I'm fine. The strange sensation of weightlessness is something that's difficult to put into words. I want to say it felt like "vertigo", but that's a word for feeling dizziness rather than feeling like you are falling faster than gravity woud let you. Along with the main attraction of rollercoasters, I also got on a ferris wheel, cable cars, merry-go-rounds, and the food? Well-- the food there was alright, but I won't lie. The burger king we all had on the way back tasted better. The weather that day was real pleasant, too; 60's early on into 70's later. The drive to and from there is a big undertaking that I wouldn't do again so soon, but I can understand why people come to the theme park on a regular basis.